Shared between you and a buddy:-For time:2001-m run or row22 shoulder presses (65/95 lb)22 overhead squats22 sumo[…]
AMRAP 30 with a partner:100-calorie Echo Bike100 double DB deadlifts50 toes-to-bars– Split work as needed with one[…]
Pre-workout:Every 2:00 x 4 sets/arm:1 DB power clean1 DB power snatch1 DB thruster1 DB overhead squat– Complete[…]
Pre-workout:EMOM 8:20 sec crossover practice then 40 sec rest EMOM 12:Min. 1 | 4 strict pull-ups +[…]
For time:400-m run (2 rounds)30 shoulder presses (65/95 lb)1,000-m run (5 rounds)20 shoulder presses2,000-m run (10 rounds)10[…]