Olympic Lifting Focus: 3 Position Clean: work up to max in 20 min then 5 sets at[…]
STRENGTH: Hi Hang Snatch @ 70% x2x10 STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD: TABATA: Handrelease Burpees Alternating Pistols Post[…]
STRENGTH: Bench Press x5x5 KB Renegade Row x5x10 STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD: Complete 4 rounds (10min time[…]
STRENGTH: Front Squat x5x5 STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD: 10 rounds:- 15 Wall Balls 9/7kg 3 Power Clean[…]
Gymnastics Focus Session: For QUALITY Working on Flexibility today:- 20 Front Leg Swings on each leg 20[…]
STRENGTH: Deadlift x5x5 (Note: this is NOT a 5RM) STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD: 7 min AMRAP 10[…]
Olympic Lifting Focus: 3 Position Snatch: work up to max in 20 min then 5 sets at[…]