STRENGTH: Push Jerk 5-3-1-1-1 STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD: 12 min EMOM 1 Snatch 135/95# 2 Muscle[…]
OLY Lift Focus: for QUALITY 3 Position Snatch @60% ENDURANCE WOD: 3+ Hours Before or After[…]
STRENGTH: Snatch Balance (without dip) x5x5 STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD: Run 400m 50 Pull ups Run[…]
STRENGTH: Bench x5x5 Pendlay Row x5x5 STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD: OHS 14-12-10-8 (115/85#) T2B 8-10-12-14 Post[…]
STRENGTH: Sumo Deadlift 5-3-3-1-1-1 STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD: 2,000m Row TT Post results to comments. […]
REST DAY Single Sport Endurance Workout (From CF Endurance) Choose ONE of the following sports Swim[…]
Swim WOD: get together at the Box around 9AM Single Sport Endurance Workout (from CF Endurance)[…]