Strength: Snatch Balance with 3 sec pause @ bottom (3, 3, 2, 2, 1) Clean with 3[…]
OLY LIFT FOCUS SESSION: For QUALITY Power Clean x2x6 @ 75% Split Jerk practice Single Sport[…]
Strength: Back Squat x5x3 @ 70% Snatch Lift Off x5x4 @90% Strength & Conditioning: “1/2 Murph”[…]
Strength: Hip Clean x3x4 by feel Strength & Conditioning: 12min EMOM 1 Broad jump (length of[…]
Strength: Front Squat x5x4 @70% Clean Lift Off x5x4 @ 90% Strength & Conditioning: TABATA: AMRAP[…]
Rest Day ENDURANCE WOD: Perform Strength & Conditioning Recovery if needed. Single-Sport (SS) Choose ONE of[…]
SWIM WOD with Carol 🙂 and then SIN CITY after to support our Teams! ENDURANCE WOD: Perform[…]