Strength: Snatch x1x5 (heavy singles) Strength & Conditioning WOD: 3 Rds: 21 KBS 2/1.5 PD 15[…]
REST DAY Single Sport Endurance Workout Choose ONE of the following sports Swim (SUN): 800m @[…]
Team WOD Teams of 4 (20 min) Row 4,000 (increments of 250m) AMRAP Goblet Squats 1.5/1pood Burpee[…]
Filthy 50 50 Box Jumps 24/20” 50 Jumping Pull ups 50 KBS 1/.5 PD 50 Walking Lunges[…]
OLY lift focus: for QUALITY Power Snatch x2x6 Single Sport Endurance Workout Choose ONE of the[…]
Strength: Back Squat x3x7 @ 75% Strength & Conditioning WOD: For Time Run 400m 10 Wall[…]
Strength: Hip Snatch x3x4 (by feel) Strength & Conditioning WOD: 5 Rounds 7 L-Pull Ups 7[…]