REST DAY Single Sport Endurance Workout Choose ONE of the following sports Swim (SUN): 800m @[…]
Individual WOD: 30 min AMRAP 800m Run 24 DB Alternating Snatches 12.5/6 KG 150m double bumper plate[…]
Strength: Clean & Jerk @ 70% 5 sets (2+1) Strength & Conditioning: 5 Rds 6 Hang[…]
Olympic Lifting Focus: For QUALITY BN Jerk + Snatch Balance 5 sets 2+1 Single Sport[…]
Strength: Box Squats x3x8 Conditioning: Banded Sprints x10x50m Single Sport Endurance Workout Choose ONE of[…]
Strength: Bench Press x5x5 KB Renegade Row x10x5 Strength & Conditioning: 10 min AMRAP 10 OH[…]
Strength: 3 Position Snatch 5 sets @ 65% Strength & Conditioning: “Amanda” 9-7-5 Snatch 135/95# Muscle[…]