Strength: 3 Position Clean (start from hang) 5 sets @ 70% Strength & Conditioning: 15 min[…]
REST DAY Single Sport Endurance Workout Choose ONE of the following sports Swim (SUN): 1200m @[…]
Complete 3 rds: Fight Gone Bad Style (1 min per station) Alternating DB Snatch 21/12KG Row (cal)[…]
Strength: Clean & Jerk (heavy singles) x1x5 Strength & Conditioning WOD: 6 Rds: 4 Muscle Ups[…]
OLY Lift Focus: For Quality OHS x3x5 (pause 2 sec at the bottom of each Squat)@ 75%[…]
Strength: Box Squat x2x12 @ 55% Conditioning: 5 x 400m Run Single Sport Endurance Workout[…]
Strength: Bench Press x5x5 @ 75-85% Pendlay Row x5x5 – form and technique! Strength & Conditioning[…]