Another chance to attempt your new Front Squat 1RM Establish 1RM FS Complete 3 RDS:[…]
Hang Power Snatch (mid thigh) x2x6 @ 60% 2-4-6-8-6-4-2 Power Snatch 135/95# * 1 pull up[…]
Rest Day Single Sport Endurance Workout Choose ONE of the following Sports… Swim (SUN): 1 –[…]
Single Sport Endurance Workout Choose ONE of the following Sports… Swim (SUN): 1 – 3 x 8min[…]
Skill work: Kipping Pull ups 3 Rounds for time: 3 strict muscle ups 4 FS @[…]
Olympic Lifting Focus: For QUALITY Snatch from blocks (above knees) 65% – 75% x2x8 Single Sport[…]