3 Rds for time: 500m Row 21 Burpees 12 Thrusters 95/65# Single Sport Endurance Workout Choose[…]
Partner workout: (Complete 1 FULL round before handing over to buddy) 30min AMRAP 30 double-unders 15 pull-ups[…]
Olympic Lifting Focus: For QUALITY Halting Snatch Grip Deadlift 120% X2x5 10 MIN EMOM 1 Snatch 1[…]
“Nate” 20 min AMRAP 2 Muscle Ups 4 HSPU 8 KBS 32/24kg Single Sport Endurance Workout[…]
Power Cleans 3-3-3-3-3 10min AMRAP 10 Deadlifts 275/195# 20 Wallball slams 9kg Single Sport Endurance[…]
99 Squats! (All percentages are dropped this week so we can focus on SPEED!) Back Squat: 10@empty[…]
Rest Day! Single Sport Endurance Workout Choose ONE of the following Sports… Multi-Sport Endurance Workout[…]