Please note: ONE session only at 11AM on Hari Raya (Wed/6 July)! SWIM WOD with Carol today!
Please note: ONE session only at 11AM on Hari Raya (Wed/6 July)! Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5 […]
Please note: ONE session only at 11AM on Hari Raya (Wed/6 July)! Olympic Weightlifting Focus: For QUALITY[…]
Please note: ONE session only at 11AM on Hari Raya (Wed/6 July)! Technique: Rope Climb […]
Technique: Pistol Fight gone Bad style: 3 Rounds of 1min AMRAP per station, 1min REST between[…]
Hang Power Snatch 5-5-5-5-5 5 Rounds for time: 10 Wall climbs 10 T2B 20 Box Jumps[…]