Deloading week Back Squat x10x3 @ 50% For time, 5 rounds: 3 max height Wallball 12/9kg 10[…]
“300-lite” 7 Rounds for time: 5 strict chin-ups 10 DB movements 22.5/15kg 10 Abmat sit-ups 1. DB[…]
Squat Cleans x5x2 (heavy) 4 Rounds: every 3 minutes on the minute 10 Jumping Squats 45/25# 10[…]
Olympic Weightlifting Session: For QUALITY Push Jerk x5x3 (moderate load and all load moved from the floor[…]
Front Squat x5x2 (3 second pause @ bottom) DB Press x5x2 (normal tempo) 4 Rounds for time:[…]