OHS x3x3 DB Rows x3x8 100 Wall balls for time done TABATA style (20sec on/10sec off) Keep[…]
Olympic Weightlifting Focus with JT: Week 4 of 12 Clean Pull (Straight arms) 5 x 5 reps[…]
Shoulder Press x3x3 Deadlift x3x3 Weighted Pull-ups x3x3 For time: 30-20-10 SDHP 75/55# Push Jerks 75/55#
Work to a heavy triple SQUAT Snatch, then x6x1 @ that load 10 min AMRAP 50 DU[…]
Front Squat x3x3 (NOT a 3RM like last week, probably your load is lighter compared to last[…]