WEEK 5 OF 8 “Mamba” tribute WOD for Kobe Bryant 18min AMRAP 5/3 Ring Muscle-Ups 8 Power[…]
WEEK 5 OF 8 In this order Weighted Pull-ups x3x6Bicep curls x4x10DB Tricep extensions x4x10 Floor Press[…]
WEEK 5 OF 8 In this order, please Alternating Lunges x3x12 Deadlift x3x8 Back Squat x3x12 5[…]
WEEK 4 OF 8 (DELOAD – volume goes down this week) Seated Z Press x3x8 Weighted Pull[…]
WEEK 4 OF 8 (DELOAD – volume goes down this week) Front Squat x3x6 Stiff Leg Deadlift[…]