5 min AMRAPBuy-In: 400m RunMax Rounds:12 DB Goblet Squats6 Burpee Box Jumps Rest 5 Minutes 5 min[…]
3-Position Power Snatch: build to a heavy complex 10 min AMRAP60/45 cal Assault Bike100 Double Unders Time[…]
12 min AMRAPMax Meter Row (On the 1:00): 1 Double Dumbbell Power Clean 22.5/15kg(On the 2:00): 2[…]
For Time: 800m Run 15-12-9:Front Squats 95/65#Chest to Pull-ups 800m Run 15-12-9:Thrusters 95/65#Pull-ups 800m Run
Push Jerk: build up to a heavy 3 10 min AMRAP5 strict handstand push-ups10 med-ball cleans 9/7kg