Pre-workout:On a 10:00 Clock:Build to a heavy power clean + front squat. For time:27-21-15Back squats 135/95#15-12-9Handstand push-ups
5 rounds for distance:1:40 on / :20 off-Rest 2:004 rounds for distance:1:40 on / :20 off– Row,[…]
Pre-workout:EMOM 8:4 box step overs4 box jump4 box jump over 5 min AMRAP1 squat clean 135/95#1 jerk
21 min AMRAP (partner workout)400m Run together20 GTO with plate (synchro)20 sit-ups with plate reaching overhead (synchro)
5 Sets For Load:3 Back Squats 5 Sets::45 Wall Sit10 Single-Arm Ring Rows / Arm