For time:21-15-9:Knees-to-elbowsFront squats 75/115# Post-workout:EMOM 7:1 front squat
AMRAP 20: partner WOD800m run6 rope climbs– Partners run together and split rope climbs as needed
Pre-workout:On a 10:00 clock:Build up to heavy single squat snatch For time:7-5-3:Muscle-ups9-7-5:Squat snatches 75/115#
4 rounds for reps:1:00 single-arm DB sumo deadlift high pull1:00 ab wheel1:00 DB step-ups to 3 stacked[…]
5 sets for load:3 power cleans + 6 alternating front rack lunges Post-workout:3 sets:20 Good Mornings with[…]