Pre-workout:On a 10:00 clock:3 back squats + 1 behind the neck push jerk– Build to a heavy[…]
In teams of 23 rounds for time:800/1,000-m row between the two– After each round perform 1 DU[…]
Pre-workout:EMOM 7:1-2 rope climbs 5 rounds for time::20 L-sit hold:30 plank hold:20 chin-over-bar hold:30 plank hold
7 sets for load:3 clean and jerks Post-workout:On a 3:00 clock:1:00 air squats1:00 empty bar thrusters1:00 empty[…]
Partner workout:7 rounds for time with a partner:15 burpees over your partner20 med-ball sit-ups Post-workout:3 sets:25 banded[…]