3 rounds for time:25 Russian KB swings (16/24 kg)10 handstand push-ups SKILL WORKAccumulate:10 KB Turkish get-ups/arm
Every 3:00 for 7 rounds:200-m run12 DB box step-overs (10/15 kg) (51/61 cm)– Use two dumbbells. Scale[…]
25.4 is…. Get ready for a LIVE Hopper WOD, where even the trainers do not know which[…]
AMRAP 20:30 burpees20 alternating DB cleans (10/15 kg)100-m double-DB farmers carry (10/15 kg)
SKILL WORK3 sets:5 front squats– Build to workout load or slightly heavier. AMRAP 12:5 pull-ups25 double-unders5 front[…]