Posts in WODs


Tuesday, 16 May 2023

Pre-workout:4 sets for load:3 overhead squats– Build to your heaviest set. For time with a partner:20-16-12-8-4:Squat snatches[…]


Monday, 15 May 2023

AMRAP 15 with a partner:10 muscle-ups200-m run with a partner– One partner works and one rests during[…]


Saturday, 13 May 2023

3 rounds for time:18-calorie bike21 alternating single-arm DB hang power snatches (10/15 kg)24 lateral DB jump-overs


Friday, 12 May 2023

Pre-workout:EMOM 8::20 crossover singles– Rest the remainder of each minute. 5 rounds for time:55 double-unders5 push jerks[…]

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