Pre-workout:EMOM 5:3 hang clean and jerks– Build to heavier than workout weight. AMRAP 20:3-6-9-12-15… etc.Handstand push-upsClean and[…]
AMRAP 15:600-m runMax-reps DB box step-ups– Use one DB. Partner 1 runs while partner 2 AMRAPs step-ups.[…]
Pre-workout:5 sets:2 push jerks– Barbell comes from the floor.– Build to a heavy double. 5 rounds for[…]
5 Rounds500m Row / 400m Run40 Lunges with sandbag30 Wall balls20 Sit-ups10 Burpees
Floor Press10-10-10-10-10 Post-workout:1 set:Max-effort hanging L-sit hold– All athletes start together.