5 sets:3 deadlifts– Maintain same load across all sets.– Rest 2:00 between sets. Post-workout:5 sets::30 hand-release push-ups:30[…]
6 Rounds20 Wall balls10 Burpees20 Weighted Walking Lunges10 25m shuttle sprints
Pre-workout10 min practice on any Gymnastic skill Conditioning challenge:20 min to establish max meters on a machine[…]
For time with a partner: 800m run Right into… 50 Curtis-P Complex (45/55 lb)* * Perform 3[…]
Pre-workout:Every 2:00 for 6 rounds:3 hang power snatches For time:21-15-9:Hang power snatches (65/95 lb)Toes-to-bars