For load, on a running clock:From 0:00-7:00:Find a 5-rep-max squat clean From 7:00-14:00:Find a 3-rep-max squat clean[…]
3 rounds for time:30 GHD sit-ups30 power snatches (55/75 lb) Post-workout:For completion:200-m double-KB overhead carry– Use a[…]
50 Burpees3,000m Run (15 rounds)100 Air Squats3,000, Run (15 rounds)50 Box step-ups with sandbag3,000m Run (15 rounds)
For time:21-15-9:DB renegade row man makers (15/22.5 kg)– Perform a 30m farmers carry after each set.– Use[…]
4 sets:25 seated leg raises5 L-pull-ups5 wall walks– On the seated leg raises, try to get both[…]