METCON EMOM 10:3 bar muscle-ups10 hand-release push-ups ACCESSORYAccumulate:50 GHD hip extensions
For time:15-12-9-6-3 reps of:Deadlifts (105/155 lb)5-4-3-2-1 reps of:Rope climbs
930AM METCON AMRAP 9:9 burpees to a target (12/12 in)10 alternating single-leg squats ACCESSORY3 sets:25 GHD sit-ups:30[…]
5 rounds for time with a partner/valentine,400-m run10 ring muscle-ups– Run together, split muscle-up transitions as desired.
SKILLOn a 10:00 clock:Find a heavy 3-rep push jerk METCON13.2AMRAP 10:5 shoulder-to-overheads (65/95 lb)10 deadlifts15 box jumps[…]