Gymnastics session: For QUALITY: 5 rounds of 90 seconds on, 30 seconds off: 5 Toes to Bar[…]
STRENGTH: Push Press x3x5 STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD: 5 min AMRAP KBS 1.5/1pd ***rest 5 min*** 5[…]
Olympic Weightlifting Focus Session: Clean and Jerk: work to a max in 12 minutes Then x2x3 @[…]
STRENGTH: A. 20 RM Back Squat (same weight as Mon/20 Jan) B1. Bench Press x5x5 B2. Pendlay[…]
STRENGTH: Hi-Hang Snatch x2x10 @ 60% STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD: 21-15-9 Thrusters 95/65# GI Janes Post time[…]
STRENGTH: 20 RM Back Squat (add 5# from last week) STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD: Complete 3 rounds:-[…]