STRENGTH: 1RM Thruster STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD: TABATA: Wall balls 9/7kg Double unders * then hollow[…]
STRENGTH: Hi-hang Snatch x3x5 STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD: 15 min EMOM 5 Muscle Ups 15 KBS[…]
STRENGTH: 1RM Shoulder Press STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD: 8 min AMRAP 5 Cleans 155/115# 10 GI[…]
Rest Day ENDURANCE WOD: Perform Strength & Conditioning Recovery if needed. Single-Sport (SS) Choose ONE of[…]
Gymnastics focus: for QUALITY 3 ROUNDS 7 leg raises to L Hangs from Dead Hang with Underhand[…]
STRENGTH: Weighted Pull Ups x5x5 STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD: 15min AMRAP 100m Farmer’s Walk pinching plates[…]
Oly Lift Focus: x1x5 Snatch Grip Deadlift @110% of 1RM Snatch x3x5 Hang Snatch ENDURANCE WOD:[…]