Only one class today (9:30AM) For time with a partner: 800-m run then… 10 rounds of: 10[…]
Memorial WOD “Kaz” 51 rounds with a partner1 Clean 65/95#2 Front Squats2 Push Press8 Lateral Bar over
Pre-workout:Every 2:00 x 4 sets:1-5 muscle-ups– On the fourth set, perform AMRAP until failure. Oh Carol!20 min[…]
Pre-workout:EMOM 8:1 deadlift– Build to a heavy single. AMRAP 8:2 wall walks2 deadlifts (125/185 lb)
2 rounds for time:50 alternating DB snatches 50 wall-ball shots Post-workout:Accumulate with a partner:40 DB Turkish get-ups