4 sets:16 m farmers carry (use20 weighted hip extensions– Rest 1:00-2:00 between sets. – Go as heavy[…]
Pre-workout:EMOM 10:Min. 1 | :20 plank shoulder taps w/ feet on the rowerMin. 2 | :20 jump[…]
CHAD1,000 weighted box step-ups shared between you and your partner. (both working at same time)
3 rounds for time:30 push-ups20 kipping pull-ups10 deadlifts (135/185 lb) Post-workout:4 sets:10 V-ups10 supine toe touches10 lying[…]
Pre-workout:EMOM 8::20-:30 single-leg squat practice 4 rounds for time:1:00 cumulative plank hold400-m run