Please note: Good Friday/3 April ONE session at 4PM. Bring Halal Easter Eggs as buy in. These[…]
Please note: Good Friday/3 April ONE session at 4PM. Bring Halal Easter Eggs as buy in. These[…]
Please note: Good Friday/3 April ONE session at 4PM. Bring Halal Easter Eggs as buy in. These[…]
Please note: Good Friday/3 April ONE session at 4PM. Bring Halal Easter Eggs as buy in. These[…]
Team WOD: Teams of 2 Run 800m together (must come back together) 15 Synchronized KBS (Russians) 1.5/1[…]
Strength: Hang Clean x2x5 by feel (focus on form and technique) Strength & Conditioning WOD: 5[…]