Teams of 4, complete: 4,000m Row (250m increments) 180 Pull ups (increments of 5 reps per buddy)[…]
12.3 18min AMRAP 15 Box Jumps 24/20” 12 Push Press 115/75# 9 T2B Single Sport Endurance[…]
Olympic Weightlifting Focus: For QUALITY 3 position Clean (top down) x1x8 @70% Single Sport Endurance Workout[…]
Back Squat 7@65%, 5@75%, 3@85% (Complete 2 rounds) 12 min EMOM (alternate) a) AMRAP OHS for[…]
Clean & Jerk (percentages based on 2RM C&J) 1+2@70%, 1+2@75%, 1+2@80%, 1+2@85%, 1+2@90%(2 sets) 5 x[…]
Deadlift 3@70%, 3@75%, 3@80%(4 sets), 1@75%, 1@75% Complete 5 Rds: 5 HR Push ups 10 Wallballs[…]
Rest Day! Single Sport Endurance Workout Choose ONE of the following Sports… Swim (SUN): 20min Tempo[…]