Gymnastics Session We’ll customise the session so you have time to work on a skill of your
6 min AMRAP 3-6-9-12-15… Power Snatch 95/65# Over Bar burpees * Rest 4 minutes 6 min AMRAP[…]
6 Rounds for time: 5 Ring Muscle-ups (choose a variation that is super challenging) 200m OH Sandbag
Deadlift x1x8 @ 65% x1x6 @ 70% x1x4 @ 75% x1x8 @ heavy as possible Reverse Back[…]
Olympic Weightlifting Focus: for quality Snatch Balance x5x3 Snatch x2x3 @75% x2x3 @ 80% x1x3 @ 85%
10 min EMOM 6 DB Snatch 25/17.5kg 12 min AMRAP 8 DB Power Cleans 22.5/15kg 18 Lunges[…]