20 min AMRAP3 Hip to Halo (use light plate)3 Toes to Bar3 cal AB/Row6 Hip to Halo[…]
7 Rounds NOT for time:200m DB suitcase carry7 Single arm DB Thrusters7 Burpees
20 min AMRAPBuy-In: 50 cal AB/Row Max Rounds in Time Remaining:12 Sandbag/ D-ball Alternating Lunges (step back)9[…]
CONTRAST WEEK Not for time:800m Run 3 Rounds:20 banded Psoas March (while holding KB)10 KB Bicep curls[…]
3 Rounds for time:200m Run10 DB Deadlifts 15/10kg10 DB Hang Power Cleans 15/10kg10 DB Push Press 15/10kg