For Time:1,000/800m Row30 Hand Release Push-ups30 Deadlifts 225/155#30 Hand Release Push-ups1,000/800m Row *800m run, 50/35cal AB
5 min AMRAP15/12 Cal AB12 Chest to Bar Pull-ups9 Front Squats 135/85# Rest 5 Minutes 5 min[…]
Push Jerk – build to a heavy triple 6 Rounds For Time:6 Push Jerks 135/95#6 Lateral Barbell
On the 2:30 x 5 Sets:Set 1: 10 Back SquatsSet 2: 8 Back SquatsSet 3: 6 Back[…]
10 min EMOM3-5 Bar Muscle-ups Afterburner: 50 Hamstring Hammers for quality