5 min AMRAPBuy-In: 50 Squat Jumps24 Single Leg Bodyweight RDL (12 each side)12 Dips off an Object[…]
DB Suitcase Deadlifts 3 x 20 (10 Each Side) 5 Rounds For Time:14 Single Dumbbell Power Snatches[…]
Banded Squat 4×14 18 min AMRAP200m Run12 Toe Raises (Holding DB)9 Double DB Strict Presses 200m Run12[…]
Please note that the Gym is closed today. Pack a backpack with some books and aim for[…]
Front Squat x3x6DB Stiff Leg Deadlift x3x8 15 min AMRAP10 Double DB Box Step Overs (22.5/15kg on[…]