“ANNIE ON THE RUN”For Time:50-40-30-20-10*Double-UndersAbmat Sit-Ups*After every round, complete a 200m run carrying a medicine ball 9/7kg
Floor Press x3x10Bent over Row x3x10 DB Bicep curl x3x10Overhead banded tricep extensions x3x10 8min AMRAP5 Pull-ups5[…]
Back Squat x3x10Deadlift x3x6 Walking lunges x3x10Stir the Pot on MB x4x10 5 Rounds for time:10 cal[…]
DELOADING WEEK Banded push-ups/ strict deficit HSPU x4x10 Lat Pulldowns x4x15 3 rounds NOT for time of:20m[…]