5 Rounds:400m Run20 Russian Single DB Swings20 Renegade Rows Satu Lagi!3 Giant Sets:9 DB Single Legged Deadlifts[…]
20 min AMRAP20 Single DB Alternating Power Snatches200m Run20 Single DB Overhead Reverse Lunges200m Run Satu Lagi!5[…]
Ruck Day =)Try to get outside and get some Sun and fresh Air. SATU LAGI!4 Rounds for[…]
20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-22-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20Kettlebell TatersV sit-ups / Abmat sit-ups
Please note we’ll be closed today due to the latest Covid-19 restrictions.We’ll work on a stretch sequence[…]