Push Jerkx1x10x1x8x1x6 13 min AMRAP (partner WOD: I go, you go)12/9 cal AB9 Kipping HSPU6 Front Squats
Snatch Balancex1x10x1x8x1x6 Partner WOD:10 Rounds in total per buddy:Buddy 1 – Runs 200mBuddy 2 – Works through:9[…]
Strict Pull-ups/Chin-ups increasing ladderTake your number from last week, then ladder all the way down to 1[…]
On an 6:00 clock, every :90 perform:1 Power Clean + 2 Thrusters(4 sets) Increase loads across the[…]
Squat Cleanx1x10x1x8x1x6 14 min AMRAP20 Double Kettlebell Front Rack Lunge 16/12kg20 Burpees20 Ring Rows