Teams of 3For Time:300 Wall Balls 7/5kg150 Chest to Bar Pull-ups150 x 10m shuttle runs
3 Rounds For Time:21/15 Calorie Row15 Deadlifts 225/155#12 Strict HSPU9 Box Jumps 60cm
10 min AMRAP1,600m Run (8 rounds)Max Calorie Row/AB Rest 4 Minutes 8 min AMRAP1,200m Run (6 rounds)Max[…]
25min AMRAP Partner WOD Partner 1: 1 Rd of “Macho Man”Partner 2: 1 Rd of “Macho Man”100[…]
Accumulate 8 Rope Climbs or Legless Rope Climbs 20 min AMRAP5 Strict Pull-ups10 Alternating DB Snatches 22.5/15kg15[…]