5 Rounds:1 Minute Wall WalksRest 30 Seconds1 Minute Alternating Jumping LungesRest 30 Seconds
Clean and Jerk5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5: 20 min AMRAP Partner WOD Partner 1: 1 Rd of “Macho Man”Partner 2: 1[…]
Team of 27 Rounds For Time:400m Run (teams run together)29 Back Squats (partition however) 135/95#
For Quality:30-20-10Good MorningsAlternating Front Rack LungesHanging knee raises For Quality:10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1:Strict Ring DipsElevated Feet Glute Bridge with weight
8 min AMRAP distance/calories on Rower or AB Rest 2 Minutes 8 min AMRAP5 strict or towel[…]