5 sets for load:Sumo deadlifts12-10-8-6-4 Post-workout:3 sets:20 banded good mornings20 Jefferson curls with light load while standing[…]
For time:21 weighted sit-ups (heavy DB)21 front squats 95/135#15 weighted sit-ups (heavy DB)15 front squats9 weighted sit-ups[…]
For time:400-m run25 shoulder presses 65/95#400-m run15 shoulder presses400-m run10 shoulder presses400-m run– Each time the athlete[…]
AMRAP 20:5 pull-ups10 push-ups15 air squats20 pulls on the rower– Score is the total number of reps[…]
Partner workout:AMRAP 159 deadlifts 105/155#9 box jump-overs 45/60cm– One partner holds a plank while the other works.[…]