Pre-workout:EMOM 8:1 deadlift– Rest with the remaining time in the minute.– Increase load across as many sets[…]
For time:1,600-m run100 double-unders50 burpees800-m run50 double-unders35 burpees400-m run25 double-unders20 burpees
For time:50 BB GM’s20 kipping pull-ups25 BB GM’s20 kipping pull-ups50 single-leg squats20 kipping pull-ups25 single-leg squats20 kipping[…]
3 rounds for reps:2:00 rope climbs1:00 weighted sit-ups with a plate 15/25#1:00 AB– Rest 1:00 Post-workout:Accumulate:50 weighted[…]
Partner workout:5 rounds each for time:12 hang power clean and jerks 65/95#9 thrusters6 power snatches– One partner[…]