Partner WOD:AMRAP 20:2 muscle-ups4 handstand push-ups8 DB power cleans 15/22.5kg– 1 partner working, 1 partner resting
For time:400-m run12 box jumps 60/75cm400-m run24 box jumps 60/75cm400-m run36 burpees400-m run
Pre-workout:EMOM 6:2 thrusters– Rest with the remaining time in the minute.– Increase load across as many sets[…]
7 sets for load:1 snatch balance + 2 overhead squats Post-workout:4 sets::40 alternating single-leg squats– Rest :20
EMOM 20:MIn. 1 | 1:00 bike, or row, shuttle runMin. 2 | :30 ring, box or parallette