Pre-workout:EMOM 7:1-3 RING muscle-ups 5 rounds for time:15 ring push-ups200m run
AMRAP 5:12 T2B12 squat snatches 35/45# Rest 2:00 AMRAP 5:9 T2B9 squat snatches 55/75# Rest 2:00 AMRAP[…]
5 sets for load:5 back squats Post workout:2 sets:20 banded side steps (moving left)15 banded hip extensions20[…]
Partner workout:For time:60 hang power cleans 55/75#80 deadlifts800/1,000-m row– Resting partner holds the barbell in the front[…]
Pre-workout:1 set:Max-rep unbroken wall-ball shots– Use a load that allows for 30+ reps. AMRAP 15:30 double-unders7 DB[…]