AMRAP 20 with a partner:200-m run1:00 plank hold– Partner 1 runs while partner 2 holds the plank.[…]
3 rounds for time:20 burpee box overs 45/60cm400m Run Post-workout:8 rounds::20 double-unders– Rest :10
Pre-workout:5 sets:3 shoulder-to-overheads– Build to a heavy set of 3. For time:30 chest-to-bar pull-ups30 shoulder-to-overheads 105/155#
AMRAP 10:10 air squats9 DB snatches, right arm (15/22.5 kg)10 push-ups9 DB snatches, left arm Post-workout:4 sets:10[…]
Please note we’ll only have one class today (9:30AM) AMRAP 20: (in teams of 3)23 box jump[…]