For time with a partner:1600-m run1200-m sandbag carry1600-m run– Split the runs in 200-m increments.– Split the[…]
Pre-workout:6 sets:1:00 max distance handstand walk or max rep wall walks– Rest 1:00 AMRAP 20:1-2-3-4-5… etc.Power clean[…]
3 rounds for time:25 sit-ups12/18 cal AB / Row – Rest 2:00 3 rounds for time:15 ab[…]
AMRAP 10:60 bar-facing burpees30 overhead squats (65/95 lb)10 ring muscle-ups
For load:15-12-9:Thrusters– Rest 3:00 between sets Post-workout:Accumulate:30 low ring muscle-up transitions