Nutrition Challenge Re-test 2 JACKIE For time: 1,000-m row 50 thrusters (35/45 lb) 30 pull-ups Post-workout EMOM[…]
Vesak Day PH (Note: Only 930AM class today) Pre-workout: On a 8:00 clock: Build to a heavy[…]
AMRAP 10: 2-4-6-8… Box jump-overs (45/60 cm) 100-ft DB farmers carry (15/22.5 kg) – Use two DBs.[…]
Nutrition Challenge Re-test 1 3,200m Run Post workout: 50 alternating dumbbell snatches (15/22.5kg)
For time with a partner: 60 synchronised AbMat sit-ups 56/80 calories 60 knees-to-armpits (split the work) 42/60[…]