Pre-workout:4 sets:5 push presses 5 rounds for time:15 push jerks 65/95#12 C2B pull-ups9 sumo deadlift high pulls
7 sets for load:3 shoulder presses– Take the bar from the floor or a rack. Post-workout:EMOM 8::20[…]
Partner WOD:10 rounds with a partner:10/15 calorie assault bike10 hang power cleans 65/95#10 lateral burpees over the[…]
5 sets:AMRAP 3:3 bar muscle-ups5 double DB deadlifts 15/22.5 kg7 box jump-overs 60cm– Rest 1:00 between sets.[…]
Pre-workout:On a 10:00 clock:3 back squats + 1 behind the neck push jerk– Build to a heavy[…]