Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Back Squat x3x5 @ 80%


4 Rds:-

3 Burpee Muscle Ups

30 Double Unders



Single Sport Endurance Workout

Choose ONE of the following Sports

Swim (TUE): 2-3 x 1/2 TABATA (:20 hard on, :10 off for 4min), 1:1 rest, goal to match total distance for each TABATA

Bike (TUE):  2-3 x 1/2 TABATA (:20 hard on, :10 off for 4min), 1:1 rest, goal to match total distance for each TABATA

Run (TUE): 2-3 x 1/2 TABATA (:20 hard on, :10 off for 4min), 1:1 rest, goal to match total distance for each TABATA

Row (TUE): 2-3 x 1/2 TABATA (:20 hard on, :10 off for 4min), 1:1 rest, goal to match total distance for each TABATA

Ruck (TUE):  2-3 x 1/2 TABATA (:20 hard on, :10 off for 4min), 1:1 rest, goal to match total distance for each TABATA



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