We are very excited to host the second CrossFit Olympic Weightlifting Course in Singapore.
Join us and register here.
Saturday, April 25, 2015 – Sunday, April 26, 2015
Reebok CrossFit Enduro
01-03 Teck Heng Long Building 11 Syed Alwi Rd
Singapore, Singapore 207629
Map and Directions
01-03 Teck Heng Long Building 11 Syed Alwi Rd
Singapore, Singapore 207629

Course Description
Two days are spent detailing each lift (snatch on Day 1, clean and jerk on Day 2). The focus is on participants experiencing the basic positions and learning the foundational teaching points for instructing others to achieve them. The snatch and clean and jerk bring speed, power, coordination, agility, accuracy and balance to training and are indispensable to CrossFit programming and developing a well-rounded athlete.
- 9 a.m.-4 p.m. with a 1-hour lunch break
- Arrive at 8:30 a.m. on Day 1 to check in.
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