Saturday, 17 May 2014

Gymnastics focus session: for QUALITY

Roll to Candle Stick for 3 minutes
Forward Roll for 3 minutes
Pistols with Roll for 3 minutes with each leg
Forward Roll to Pistols with Roll for 3 minutes with each leg

Team WOD: for TIME

In teams of 4:- 30 min AMRAP

Complete 2,000 m Row

then AMRAP  (you go, I go)

Wallballs 9/7kg

Double Unders

Post results to comments.



Perform Strength & Conditioning Recovery if needed.

Single-Sport (SS)

Choose ONE of the following sports:

Swim (SUN): 1200m TT

Bike (SUN): 12M TT

Run (SUN): 2M TT

Row (SUN): 2k TT

Ruck (SUN): 5M TT, 55# Ruck/Boots/Utes

Post sport and time to comments.

Multi-Sport (3S)

Swim (SUN): 1000m @ 85% 800m TT pace

Bike (OFF): OFF

Run (SAT or SI): 10k @ 85% race pace

Post sport and time to comments.



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