Movement for Everyone

What is CrossFit®?

CrossFit Enduro for everyone beginner intermediate advanced strength fitness training exercise healthy Singapore fit

The CrossFit programme makes people fitter faster and more safely than any other programme, and it works for everyone. It helps you to be at your best both in, and outside of the gym. The workouts are constantly varied, and incorporate weightlifting, gymnastics, running, and more.

CrossFit meets you where you’re at – The workouts can be modified to your current level of fitness and to your goals. Our trainers will adjust the workouts to be appropriately challenging for you. As you learn what you’re able to do now, you’ll be rewarded with a new challenge to pursue next.

The beauty of CrossFit is that you can start wherever you are on your fitness journey.

Why CrossFit Enduro?

Since 2012, CrossFit Enduro has been committed to quality coaching and effective programming to enable people from all walks of life, age groups and fitness levels to improve their quality of life. We believe in Movement for Everyone.

We take pride in focusing on technique and form, to teach you good movement standards. For longevity in your fitness journey, it is important for you to work out in a safe environment.

We are well-equipped to meet the demands of any athlete, with a wide range of weightlifting, gymnastics and cardio-based machines/gear. However, our hardware is hardly the reason why our athletes continue to train here.

Our community is made up of like-minded individuals who bring along their energy and positivity to make our simple space come alive. We affectionately call our gym “Our Happy Place”. Come and experience CrossFit Enduro for yourself, and have a happy place of your own that makes you fitter, stronger and healthier.

CrossFit Enduro all levels ages abilities beginner intermediate advanced strength fitness exercise programme Singapore

Step 1:
CrossFit Fundamentals

Our CrossFit Fundamentals comprise three 1.5h sessions, where we teach you the 9 foundational movements in CrossFit.

Day 1: 
Air squat, Shoulder Press, Deadlift. 
Additional: Pull-ups, Push-ups, Burpees
Chat about the CrossFit Methodology.

Day 2:
Front Squat, Push Press, Sumo Deadlift High Pull.
Additional: Thruster, Wall Balls
Chat about Nutrition.

Day 3:
Overhead Squat, Push Jerk, Medicine Ball Clean.
Additional: KBS, Jump Rope, Rowing technique
Chat about recovery strategies.

We will schedule the classes based on your availability and we will match you with a trainer based on that.

Our fundamentals fee is S$330 and you’ll have access to classes for 30 days after completion (counting from date of your first lesson) to see whether our Box is the right fit for you.

What People Are Saying

I have always enjoyed bench pressing. I have consistently benched and done associated traditional weight training (DB flies, etc.) since I was in my mid-teens, often neglecting leg and core work, until I started CrossFit. Over the past 12 months I concentrated my workouts only on CrossFit programming and I feel good – better functional strength and stability, less back pain, improved mobility, and more fit in general. During these 12 months I did not bench press once, but I recently found myself in a traditional gym and thought it would be fun to test my bench press max for old times’ sake. I fully expected the trade off for my better overall balance of strength from CrossFit training would be a lower max bench press, and I was fine with that but curious. I was astonished to find that I comfortably benched more than I had since I hit my all time high in my early 20s (more than 20 years ago).  Clearly the focus on compound and functional movements does improve full body strength.  This stuff really works!  Thank you for the good programming, coaching, and support.

Jason Ambroson

After engaging in weighted isolation movement routines at regular gym and purely aerobic endurance training like long distance running, CrossFit’s focus of not specialising has provided me a dynamic anaerobic platform to challenge myself physically and mentally towards optimum physical competence comprising of Cardiovascular/Respiratory Endurance, Stamina, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Coordination, Agility, Balance and Accuracy. CrossFit – in its progressive and scalable dosages – trains me towards Total Fitness.

Russell Chew

CrossFit helped define what fitness means to me – strength, mobility and functionality that is essential for my everyday life. Before Crossfit, I was an avid cyclist both on and off the road and I thought I was fit! However, when I went for my first few sessions of CrossFit, I realized that I had no upper body strength and my idea of fitness was challenged.

Looking back after three years, I have progressed so much in strength and mobility and I am really proud of myself! This would not have been possible without Coach Juria who taught me the fundamentals and technique of every movement.  I am really proud to call her my coach. I’ve also made many friends with people in our community, who are my greatest cheerleaders in and out of the box. After 3 years, I am still making progressions and I don’t feel I have stagnated. I am still constantly improving myself and learning new techniques.

CrossFit has given me so much in life to look forward to and that’s why I still CrossFit.

Joanne Lee

I joined Coach Juria and CrossFit Enduro in August 2012 as a runner looking to improve my strength in order to improve my runs.  Within a year of taking up CrossFit and continued run training, I participated in the Gold Coast Marathon and clocked a PB of 3:45.

I have moved on from running, but chose to continue with CrossFit and my overall fitness and wellness has improved tremendously, as evident in my records. Coach Juria is a coach that I would highly recommend to anyone and everyone I meet who wants to get back on the road to wellness again.  She cares for my holistic physical well being. From my fitness in terms getting stronger, to my long term sustainability in this sport by ensuring my form and technique is correct, to our nutrition in our annual nutrition challenges.

In the box, everyone treats each other with respect, and there is always a sense of giving back to the community, especially those less well-off through our yearly outreaches with Project Dana. Crossfit is a well-rounded program supported by an international body of like-minded individuals.  The beauty of CrossFit is in its open concept.  Every information is shared and not kept as an “industry secret”. I read the CrossFit journal everyday to keep up with the latest on fitness to nutrition and much more – there are many different aspect of CrossFit like endurance to gymnastic to weightlifting that ensures my all-rounded fitness. I will recommend CrossFit to everyone.

Marcus Wong

One of the best decisions I’ve made on my own in a while is stepping into Coach Juria’s CrossFit Box. She’s a great coach (the best!) in many ways. There is support from the wonderful people I train with, and there is always so much to learn. I’m absolutely loving CrossFit; there’s this amazing force about it that’s indescribable and I’m embracing the muscle soreness, battle scars and all!

Melanie Wee

Some of us are lucky enough to have a “happy place”. This is where everything is all right as soon as you step through the door, no matter how stressful the rest of your life is or how crappy your day was at work. I was fortunate enough to discover CrossFit Enduro four years ago, and it’s been my happy place ever since. The Enduro community, from our head coach Juria to all the familiar faces at each class (and even down to our feline friends), somehow make me look forward to waking up at 5am multiple times a week to go and train.

Don’t get me wrong, the workouts aren’t always fun and sometimes can be downright torturous. But somehow, doing it together with your buddies makes it a lot more enjoyable, and afterwards, you’re always amazed you managed to do what you just did. That’s the best I can explain the Enduro experience in words — to really understand it, you’ll have to come try it for yourself!

Kelvin Ang

Being at Enduro and working out as often as I can there keeps me sane and balanced from my hectic work schedule.

I find the encouragement and support received from Juria, the trainers and other members of the box incredible. Proper technique and safety are 2 fundamental concepts inculcated in every class, and we are taught to “earn the weights”. The trainers take note of each athlete’s movements, medical issues and are able to scale the workouts up or down according to the athlete’s capabilities. There is also strong community support especially on tough & “painful” WODs, and we all come back the next day asking for more. 🙂

Cindy Tan

Workouts of the Day (WODs)

  • Wednesday, 16 October 2024

    For load: 3-3-3-3-3 Deadlift

  • Tuesday, 15 October 2024

    6-9-12-15-18 reps for time of: Suitcase KB reverse lunges (16/24 kg) Kipping pull-ups Burpee box jumps (45/60 cm) – Use one kettlebell.

  • Monday, 14 October 2024

    3 rounds for time of 600-m run Rest 1:00 400-m run Rest 1:00 200-m run Rest 1:00 – Score = total time.